Parent Problematic Sexual Behavior support groups are geared towards providing parents information to understand the complexities of sexual behavior treatment. Parents are provided information about general topics, including strengths-based parenting, importance of structure and supervision, effective communication styles, and understanding effective reinforcement. They are also provided information specifically about problematic sexual behavior and program assignments. Group topics include developing and maintaining appropriate boundaries, discussing the various JRC treatment assignments, Sexual Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) requirements, discussing the importance of clarification, as well as identifying potential maintenance behaviors. Significant emphasis is also placed on appropriate sexual behavior and safeguards that will need to be followed for successful return to the community.
The facility provides a general parent group as a resource intended to assist all residents’ families with their understanding of facility operations, treatment services, and other important topics that today’s families face on a regular basis. Information is presented through PowerPoint and open discussion to allow for interaction and questions from parents. General topics discussed include but are not limited to improving communication, motivation, positive reinforcement, discipline, strength-based parenting, and bullying in society. Facility specific topics include but are not limited to the resident and parent handbook, the prison rape elimination act, and off-ground visitation expectations. The goal of these groups are to provide parents with supplemental information and resources to aid in the positive reintegration of their son to the home environment.
The Problematic Substance Abuse Parent Support Group is currently being held the first Thursday of every month. This group focuses on utilizing the treatment concepts learned in the youth Problematic Substance Abuse group. As a group, we openly discuss and complete some of the tools taught to the youth from the CBI-SA material. For example, the group learned about the Behavior Chain tool. We broke down how to use the tool with high-risk situations and how to appropriately use replacement thinking during high-risk situations. This group also reviews and discusses what influences the desire in teens to want to engage in substance abuse. We review how inappropriate coping skills can often lead to substance use, the impact of social media, the impact of generational substance use, and the impact of peers. This group also discusses the different treatment assignments youth complete throughout programming. This is important because some parents/guardians have not been made aware of different anti-social behaviors their youth has participated in. The purpose of this group is for the parents/guardians of the youth to feel supported as they are learning skills to use while supporting their youth who have struggled with substances. The hope is parents/guardians will feel more comfortable providing support to their child during times of adversity after learning different skills from the group.
The CBI-CY parent group is designed and formatted to work in conjunction with the youth who are the CBI-CY group. Monthly, parents with PSC youth receive an overview of what their youth have learned, practiced, and implemented in weekly group sessions. Parents are introduced and motivated to implement tools associated with each chapter of the CBI-CY material. The general goal is to empower parents with a foundation of CBI and to implement treatment concepts and tools to sustain youth success outside of the facility, such as during off ground visitation and upon release. In addition, the goal is to give parents, youth, and the Juvenile Residential Center a common language to aid in collaboration and cohesion for a successful transition from the secured setting of the facility to reintegration into the community.
2019 Juvenile Residential Center of Northwest Ohio